Thor: The Dark World - Movie Review by SRA February 23, 2023"Thor: The Dark World" is a superhero film that follows the story of the God of Thunder as he battles a new threat to the Nine Rea...Read More
Captain America : The Winter Soldier - Movie Review by SRA February 22, 2023 "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" is a superhero film that was released in 2014, and it is the ninth installment in the Marv...Read More
Guardian of the Galaxy - Movie Review by SRA February 22, 2023 "Guardians of the Galaxy" is a superhero film that takes the Marvel Cinematic Universe to a whole new level. Directed by James Gu...Read More
Avengers: Age of Ultron - Movie Review by SRA February 21, 2023 "Avengers: Age of Ultron" is a 2015 superhero film directed by Joss Whedon, the second installment in the Avengers film franchis...Read More
Iron man 3 - Movie Review by SRA, Tony Stark February 21, 2023 "Iron Man 3" is a superhero film that follows the events of The Avengers. Directed by Shane Black, the movie stars Robert Downey...Read More
Ant-Man Movie Review by SRA, Marvel Cinematic Universe February 20, 2023 "Ant-Man" is a film that was released in 2015 and directed by Peyton Reed. It is based on the Marvel Comics character of the sam...Read More